Deseray Wilson, LMHC Deseray Wilson, LMHC

What’s the Difference Between Anxiety and Depression?

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health disorders. These disorders can be debilitating and significantly impact an individual’s daily life. Despite the fact that these two conditions share many common symptoms, they are separate conditions with distinct diagnostic criteria. In this guide, we will explore the differences, symptoms, causes, and treatments of anxiety and depression.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

How to Be More Emotionally Aware

Emotional awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves being aware of what you are feeling and how those feelings impact your behavior, thoughts, and decisions. Having emotional awareness can help people better manage their emotions, leading to improved communication, problem-solving skills, and overall well-being.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

Why Boundaries at Work Helps Your Mental Health

The workplace can be a challenging environment and it can be difficult to maintain a sense of balance when you’re regularly getting calls and emails outside of your contracted hours. It is important to remember that having healthy boundaries at work, both for yourself and for your colleagues, is essential for both productivity and well-being.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

How to Spot a Frenemy

It’s no secret that we all have frenemies. You know, those “friends” who always seem to make you feel less than, criticize your every move, or act like they’re better than you? It can be very hard to deal with such situations and it’s important to remember that you are worth more than these people give you credit for. If you find yourself dealing with a frenemy, the following tips can help you to cope in a healthy way.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

How to Break Unhealthy Family Cycles

Family traditions are an important part of many cultures and, when done right, can be a wonderful source of joy and connection. Unfortunately, many families also have toxic traditions they unknowingly repeat generation after generation; these are often rooted in fear and can include things like limiting communication within the family or avoiding difficult conversations. Breaking free from such patterns can be difficult but ultimately rewarding both for yourself and your family.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

How Anxiety Shows Up In Your Body

Anxiety is a very real, physical experience that can have a profound impact on an individual’s overall health and well-being. While many of us are aware of the common mental symptoms of anxiety, such as fear or racing thoughts, few people know that it can also manifest itself in physical ways.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

How to Stop Being the “Strong Friend”

Being the ‘strong friend’ can be exhausting and often times we do it because we don't want to burden other people by talking about our own struggles. However, it is important to remember that everyone has their own struggles and being able to vocalize them with trusted companions helps us stay connected to our inner truth - something which is invaluable for long-term well-being.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

ADHD and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders in the United States, affecting 40 million adults. Anxiety disorders can take many different forms, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Phobias. People with anxiety disorders often experience symptoms such as racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, irritability, and fear.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

How Honesty Can Improve Your Mental Health

Everyone has something they go through in life, and it's important to be honest about your mental health issues. Mental health is a serious subject and honesty can help bring understanding and healing to those affected. Honesty about your mental health can come in many forms – talking openly with a trusted friend or family member, speaking with a therapist, writing down your feelings in a journal or even talking to yourself in the mirror.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

How to Practice Acceptance (when it’s hard to do)

Radical acceptance means accepting people and situations as they are. It’s about accepting reality, as is, even when it hurts. Many people confuse acceptance with approval, but this isn’t accurate. Accepting the reality of a situation means that you’re moving beyond judging it and you’re looking for possible solutions.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

How Trauma Affects Your Mental Health

Understanding how your trauma impacts your daily life can allow you to feel more patient and extend compassion towards yourself. In this video, we’ll talk about what trauma is, how it impacts your daily experiences and what to do to begin the process of healing.

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Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC Mental Health Deseray Wilson, LMHC

What are Cognitive Distortions?

Cognitive Distortions are thought patterns that cause you to view reality in inaccurate — usually negative — ways. They’re automatic and habitual errors in the way you are think about a certain situations. When you’re experiencing a cognitive distortion, the way you interpret events is usually negatively biased.

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Relationships Deseray Wilson, LMHC Relationships Deseray Wilson, LMHC

How Your Attachment Style Affects Your Relationships

Have you ever jumped from relationship to relationship every few months, wondering why you can’t find the perfect partner? Or maybe you’ve been left wondering why the partners you choose are always emotionally unavailable. What if you knew that your relationship choices and the way you attach to others has been established since you were in the womb?

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